Chantal Jolette, CEO

Chantal Jolette is the CEO and Principal Geologist at Qualitica Consulting Inc. 

She was born and raised in the Northern Ontario Township of McGarry (a.k.a V-Town). After earning her B.Sc. at the University of Ottawa in 2001, she relocated to Sudbury, Ontario to start her career in exploration and mining related geology and start a family. Her passion for data integrity started early in her career.  Here’s a little background on how Qualitica Consulting Inc developed this niche service in the mining sector.

During Chantal’s summers of mapping in the field, she realized the importance of a properly validated geological database as the foundation of any project. From the early days when old projects and mines were being acquired and re-evaluated, it was all about ensuring the information was valid and reliable. Analytical quality control (QAQC) became a primary focus. Working with great mentors over the years, QAQC at all levels became her niche, from greenfields to mines in full production and everything in between.

Dedicated to data integrity.

After 15 years of practical experience at various mine sites and exploration projects, she joined an analytical consulting firm to broaden her QAQC experience around the world and to help clients with their site-specific issues. As a natural progression to this work and following her entrepreneurial instinct, she co-founded Qualitica Consulting Inc. in 2020 with a clear focus on practical analytical quality control during the entire life cycle of a mining project. 

Why hire us?

Our team of geological experts have over twenty years of experience in the mining sector, working in quality control since 2003.

We have the experience and capacity to work directly with your geological team as independent data integrity experts. Our goal is to ensure that your data are suitable for geological modeling and mineral resource estimation.  Our team of experts have worked for large and small mining companies world wide.

Our services are available in English or in French, our staff are bilingual!

As an independent, professional consulting firm, Qualitica Consulting can provide the geological services your company needs, without placing this burden on your employees.  We also have the qualifications necessary to act as Qualified Person under NI 43-101 so that your data meets and exceeds industry best practices.

Our Clients – From small junior to mid-tier mining companies that may not have the internal expertise as well as senior producers looking for external verification. We have extensive experience with gold and base metal deposits in the Americas.

Julia, Juno Corp.

“Chantal and her team are professional, and experts in their field. Their advice always improves any geochemical data issue, whether it’s new data acquisition or historic data wrangling, and they are a pleasure to work with.”

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