
As an independent, professional consulting firm, Qualitica Consulting can provide the geological services your company needs, without placing this burden on your employees.  Something missing from our list that you need to have completed by an independent geological consultant?  Book a call today!

Database Optimization

We help you ensure your database has the integrity it needs to provide you with quality information.  From database design, to reporting, monitoring and auditing of both database inputs and results, our expertise in database management exceeds industry best practices.

Complete Analytical Quality Control Program

From the design and implementation of new QAQC programs to the review and audit of existing QAQC programs, this is our area of expertise.  We can plan cost effective programs, optimize your existing program, review, audit and monitor your data. We will also provide training to your employees to manage the programs in order to assure your data integrity over time.

On Site and Remote Reporting

We will travel to your company at any location.  Site specific training will ensure your QAQC programming fits your needs and is cost-effective.

NI 43-101 Reporting – We are qualified to act as Qualified Person under NI 43-101 for your sampling and analytical quality control. This is essential for disclosure of sampling and quality control that meet industry standards

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